
Power Generation Wholesale Market

Strategic consulting in Generation of Wholesale Market electrical energy.


The Generation area of Quantum develops advanced simulation models, with its main clients being generating companies in Argentina and wholesale electricity markets in Guatemala, Panama, Honduras, and the SIEPAC (Electrical Interconnection System of the Central American Countries) as a whole.

We design models that enhance the efficiency of strategic decision-making in the energy sector. Among the main simulation models developed by Quantum are:


OMEGA is a wholesale electricity market simulation model known for its ability to integrate with natural gas markets in countries where this resource is crucial for electricity generation. In addition to providing robust support for operators in buying and selling electricity and natural gas in spot markets and forward contracts, OMEGA is a key tool for planning and optimizing power plant dispatch. Its capability to create and analyze scenarios facilitates decision-making related to the installation of new power generation plants.

Benefits of the tool:

  • Support for buying and selling energy in spot markets.
  • Planning and optimization in the dispatch of power plants (hydraulic, thermal, and renewable).
  • Simulation of new power generation projects.
  • This simulation model is used by generation plants in Argentina and has been used to simulate the electricity markets of Bolivia, Peru, Mozambique, and SIEPAC together.


OPTIME is an optimization model for purchasing energy and power, which uses mixed integer programming to handle auctions involving multiple technologies. This software can tackle purchasing minimization problems by considering various variables present in multi-technology auctions, such as diverse profiles, prices, seasonality, and types of generators, among others. OPTIME has been developed in a web environment, allowing each user to perform tests and analyze sensitivities efficiently.


This model is actively used for energy and power procurement in Guatemala, Panama, and soon in Honduras. Additionally, it is adaptable to online auctions with successive rounds, an innovative mechanism used to improve procurement prices. In this process, bidders reduce their prices in each round to achieve a final award.


Benefits of the tool:


  • Enables multi-technology auctions, generating competition among them.
  • Ensures procurement at minimum cost by leveraging the complementarity of different technologies.
  • Allows for reverse auctions with successive rounds.
  • Web-based, providing easy access.


In-Company Training

Quantum develops training tailored to each of our clients’ needs in order to provide tools and knowledge about the OMEGA and OPTIME models for their optimal operation and use.

What we do

  • Legal Support
  • Regulatory Support
  • Benchmarking
  • Tariff Calculation
  • Capital Rate Calculation
  • Tariff Structure
  • Regulatory Accounting
  • Management Support
  • Demand Forecasting
  • Operating Cost Calculation
  • Renewable Energies
  • Due Diligence
  • Development of Financial Models

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