Director and Project Manager

Elías Curi

2005 Master’s in Business Administration – Institute of Administrative Sciences (ICDA)

2002 Industrial Engineer – Catholic University of Córdoba (UCC).



Elías Pablo Curi is the Director of Quantum. His main role consists of managing, supervising, and coordinating various consulting projects, actively participating in the execution, review, and presentation of consulting study results, with a focus on those related to the Brazilian Electric Sector, for which he is responsible.

Elías has worked in the energy sector for over 19 years at Quantum and currently serves as Project Manager. He has extensive experience as a consultant in the field of regulated public services in Latin America, with specialized knowledge of the Brazilian, Bolivian, Peruvian, and Argentine markets. He has participated in numerous regulatory projects for public service companies in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Jamaica, Panama, and Peru, and in various tariff calculation processes for electric power distribution companies. He participated in and directed more than 35 studies, including: Design of an incentive mechanism for the development of Distributed Generation in Chile for the Chilean Ministry of Energy; Review of tariff methodologies since 2010 in Brazil for companies in the AES, Iberdrola, Equatorial, Eletrobrás, CELESC, CPFL, COPEL, and CEEE groups, among others; R&D projects on Remuneration Base and Modernization of the Electric Sector for the ABRADEE Institute, Brazil, and on Service Quality using Machine Learning techniques for the CPFL Energia group, Brazil; Tariff Review of electric distribution companies in Brazil (CELESC, CEEE, COPEL, Elektro, Eletropaulo, CEMAR, CELPA, CEPISA, CEAL, EletroAcre, CERON, Amazonas, CELTINS, among others); Technical Operational Diagnosis and Due Diligence of CELG Distribuição, Brazil.

He also participated in load characterization campaigns for electricity distribution companies in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru; review of tariff methodologies on operational costs, X-factor, capital remuneration, service quality, and other topics for distribution companies in Brazil; Due Diligence projects for companies in Brazil, Peru, and Argentina; Design and development of an Integrated Economic-Tariff-Financial Management Model for CRE, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia; Energy transition model evaluating pros and cons of various generation alternatives for EMESA, Argentina; Integrated Financial Model for AES – GENER, Santiago de Chile, Chile, among many others.

He has participated as a speaker in numerous public service regulation seminars developed by QUANTUM, in forums and symposia on Smart Grid in Latin America, and in In-Company training sessions for regulated companies in various segments of the sector. He has taught courses on tariff methodology, methodologies for defining operational costs, and management tools. He has also co-authored articles in books and academic publications on efficiency estimation methodologies for electricity distribution companies and methodologies for defining efficient service quality, based on machine learning techniques.

The topics that have most excited him throughout his professional career are related to the development and modernization of the electric sector and the deepening of regulatory strategies that incentivize service expansion, quality improvement, new uses development, and continuous innovation.


Authors: Ryan Hledik, Ahmad Faruqui, Fernando Damonte, Carlos Morosoli, Elias P. Curi, Nicole Irwin, Kathryn Haderlein, Daniel König, Matias Labedz. ABRADEE Institute.


Authors: Ryan Hledik, Ahmad Faruqui, Fernando Damonte, Carlos Morosoli, Elias P. Curi, Nicole Irwin, Kathryn Haderlein, Daniel König, Matias Labedz. ABRADEE Institute.


Author: ABRADEE Institute. Contribution as Co-Author of Chapter IV – Regulatory Remuneration Base.

Main Competencies

• Regulatory Studies

• Regulation of Brazilian, Bolivian, Peruvian, Argentine Electric Sectors

• Strategic Services

• Economic and Financial Analysis

• Benchmarking

• Simulation Models

• Dynamic Tariffs

• Smart Grid and Energy Efficiency

• Distributed Generation

• Electric Vehicles

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